Disposable Food Packaging Throughout COVID-19

As many of us needed to have a full isolation during the Covid crisis, we have learned a bunch of different way to struggle with spreading viruses and bacterial growth. Insulating the use of public accessibility was one of the most important approaches to reduce the potency of coronavirus.

Though human used to enjoy food sharing for centuries, especially as a part of every cultural events, Covid-19 has just become a turnaround point for our lifestyles. We had to prefer well covered, packaged, isolated products instead of unpacked, shared servings. Disposable plastic food containers were a great opportunity to help us to lessen the likelihood of the virus to spread. Luckily, thermoforming technology allows to manufacture thousands of food containers in a very short amount of time so that we can provide an immediate response to the urgent inquiry of supplies.

During Post-COVID, the usefulness of the disposable food trays, containers, clamshell/hinged lid packages are still on demand and vastly preferred as an ideal, pragmatic option to carry on the sterility, reliability and versatility in terms of health and economical development after the pandemic.